lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016


Very complete page, with information about gods and heros of ancient Mythology. Includes a file with images, with a correct atribution to her creators. In one of the sections of this page you can also find activities about Mythology and mythological creatures. It is written in English.
A very complete catalogue of ancient Mythology, with very accurate informations in every article. It is written in English and there is also an Spanish version, thouth not so complete as the English. 
 MITOLOGÍA CLÁSICAInteresting web page of the University of Salamanca, whose author is Mª Henar Velasco Gómez. The work gathers the different sources for each myth and also images of the different periods of Art History. It is written in Spanish.
 WIKI DE CHIRÓNChiron is a page created to be usefull to teachers of Classical Culture, but it offers a list of links to web pages related to mythology that the studens could also use. It is written in Spanish.
A web page with a huge information about ancien Mythology. It is specially usefull to find supporting gods or heroes, with a small prominence. The list of mythological characters is enormous. It is written in English.
Plentifull information about characters of ancient Mythology, with links to related images and also to other pages of similar thematic.
CULTURACLASICA.COMThis is one of the most traditional web dedicated to the ancient world and it is known because of the range and accuracy of its articles. In the section dedicated to Mythology are published articles about the Olimpic Gods and also about the best known dinasties of ancient Mythology.

A very interesting collaborative blog, prepared by students of Classical Culture. The theme for the blog is the relationship between Mythology and modern world.
JUEGO "Vive como un dios"
Interactive activity to learn about Mythology in classical world.